Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Alphabetical Index: Author Index: [Info] Wachala, Kas. »The Tools to Combat the War on Women's Bodies: Rape and Sexual Violence against Women in Armed Conflict.« International Journal of Human Rights 16 (2012): 533-553. [Info] Wachenfeld, Christa, ed. Die Vergewaltigung der Artemisia: Der Prozeß. Freiburg 1992. [Info] Waddell, Louis M. »Justice, Retribution, and the Case of John Toby.« Friends & Enemies in Penn's Woods: Indians, Colonists, and the Racial Construction of Pennsylvania. Edited by William Pencak et al. University Park 2004: 129-143. [Info] Wadham, Ben. »The minister, the Commandant and the cadets: Scandal and the mediation of Australian civil-military relations.« Journal of Sociology 52 (2016): 551-568. [Info] Wadi, Shahd. »Bodies Louder Than Death: Palestinian Women Resisting.« P@X - Peace Studies Research Line Bulletin No. 18 (2012): 15-17. [Info] Wadi, Shahd. »Corpos mais barulhentos do que a morte: Mulheres palestinianas resistindo.« P@X - Boletim da linha de Estudos para a Paz No. 18 (2012): 15-17. [Info] Wagner, Angela B. »Considerations on the Politico-Juridical Proceedings of Genesis 34.« Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 38 (2013): 145-161. [Info] Wagner, Ann K. »Sexual Assault in the Shadow of the Law: Character and Proof in Samuel Richardson's Clarissa.« Law & Literature 25 (2013): 311-326. [Info] Wagner, Corinna. Pathological Bodies: Medicine and Political Culture. Berkeley 2013. [Info] Wagner, Hedwig. »Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Überlegungen zum Darstellungsaspekt von Sexualität und zu möglichen Filmlektüren.« Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Edited by Jochem Kotthaus. Weinheim 2015: 43-57. [Info] Wagner, Hedwig. »Fiktionalisierung und Authentifizierung von sexueller Gewalt im Film: Gender- und medientheoretische Paradigmen am Beispiel von Tokio Dekadenz.« Gewalt im Bild: Ein interdisziplinärer Diskurs. Marburg 2018: 323-339. [Info] Wagner, K.C., et al. Stopping Sexual Harassment in the Empire State: Past, Present, and a Possible Future. New York 2019. [Info] Wagner, Peter. »The pornographer in the courtroom: trial reports about cases of sexual crimes and delinquencies as a genre of eighteenth-century erotica.« Sexuality in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Edited by Paul-Gabriel Boucé. Manchester 1982: 120-140. [Info] Wagner, Peter. »The pornographer in the courtroom: trial reports about cases of sexual crimes and delinquencies as a genre of eighteenth-century erotica.« Sexuality in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Edited by Paul-Gabriel Boucé. Totowa 1982: 120-140. [Info] Wagner, Sally R. Sisters in Spirit: Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Influences on Early American Feminists. Summertown 2001. [Info] Wahl, Gustav. »Zur Geschichte des Wortes Notzucht.« Zeitschrift für Deutsche Wortforschung 9 (1907): 7-18. [Info] Wahyuningrum Indarto, Tri, et al. »Comfort Women: The Causes of Other Trade Wars in East Asia.« Journal of Social Political Sciences 1 (2020): 178-194. [Info] Waisman, Viviana, et al. »The Prosecution of Sexual and Gender Crimes in the National Courts of Argentina.« Human Rights Quarterly 39 (2017): 680-706. [Info] Waite, Spirit-Rose, et al. »Teaching Sexual Violence in History.« Beyond The Lecture: Innovations in Teaching Canadian History. Andrea Eidinger et al. 2019: 173-179. [Info] Waites, Matthew. The Age of Consent: Young People, Sexuality and Citizenship. Houndmills 2005. [Info] Wakabayashi, Bob T. »Comfort women. Beyond litigious feminism.« Monumenta Nipponica 58 (2003): 223-258. [Info] Wakefield, Lorenzo M. Exploring the Differences and Similarities in Sexual Violence as forms of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity. LL.M. Thesis, University of Western Cape, 2009. [Info] Wakely, Charles. Trial of Charles Wakely for a rape on Mrs. Rebecca Fay, wife to Doctor Cyrus Fay, physician. Before the Court of General Sessions of the Peace for the City and County of New-York, for the February term, 1810. New York 1810. [Info] Walby, Sylvia, et al. »Judges, the Media, and Rape.« Journal of Law and Society 17 (1990): 211-233. [Info] Walcot, Peter. »Herodotus on Rape.« Arethusa 11 (1978): 137-147. [Info] Walden, Inara. »"That was slavery days". Aboriginal domestic servants in New South Wales in the twentieth century.« Labour history No. 69 (1995): 196-209. [Info] Waldrep, Christopher, ed. Lynching in America. A history in documents. New York 2006. [Info] Waldron, Caroline. »Naming rape: Historicizing women's human rights activism and agency in the Italo-Ethiopian war.« Engendering Transnational Transgressions: From the Intimate to the Global. Edited by Eileen Boris et al. London 2021: 185-203. [Info] Walke, Anika. »'To Speak for Those Who Cannot': Masha Rol'nikaite on the Holocaust and Sexual Violence in German-Occupied Soviet Territories.« Jewish History (January 22, 2020). [Info] Walker, Anita M., et al. »Magdeleine des Aymards. Demonism or child abuse in early modern France?« Psychohistory review 24 (1996): 239-264. [Info] Walker, Barrington. Race on Trial: Black Defendants in Ontario's Criminal Courts, 1858-1958. Toronto 2010. [Info] Walker, Beth. »Trigger Warnings: An Ethics for Tutoring #MeToo Content and Rape Narratives in Writing Centers.« #MeToo and Literary Studies: Reading, Writing, and Teaching about Sexual Violence and Rape Culture. New York 2021: 235-244. [Info] Walker, D.J. Crime at El Escorial: The 1892 Child Murder, the Press, and the Jury. Lanham 2014. [Info] Walker, David. »Youth on trial. The Mt. Rennie case.« Labour history No. 50 (1986): 28-41. [Info] Walker, David. »Youth on trial. The Mt. Rennie case.« Pastiche I. Reflections on nineteenth-century Australia. Edited by Penny Russell et al. St. Leonards 1994. [Info] Walker, Garthine. »Rereading rape and sexual violence in early modern England.« Gender & history 10 (1998): 1-25. [Info] Walker, Garthine. »'Strange kind of stealing'. Abduction in early modern Wales.« Women and gender in early modern Wales. Edited by Michael Roberts et al. Cardiff 2000: 50-74. [Info] Walker, Garthine. »Everyman or a Monster? The Rapist in Early Modern England, c.1600-1750.« History Workshop Journal (August 2, 2013). [Info] Walker, Garthine. »Rape, Acquittal and Culpability in Popular Crime Reports in England, c.1670-c.1750.« Past & Present 220 (2013): 115-142. [Info] Walker, Garthine. »Sexual violence and rape in Europe, 1500-1750.« The Routledge History of Sex and the Body: 1500 to the Present. Edited by Sarah Toulalan et al. New York 2013: 429-443. [Info] Walker, Sue S. »Punishing convicted ravishers. Statutory strictures and actual practice in thirteenth and fourteenth-century England.« Journal of medieval history 13 (1987): 237-250. [Info] Walklate, Sandra L., et al., eds. Handbook on Sexual Violence. New York 2012. [Info] Walkowitz, Judith R. »Jack the Ripper and the myth of male violence.« Feminist studies 8 (1982): 543-574. [Info] Walkowitz, Judith R. »Jack l'Éventreur et les mythes de la violence masculine.« Violences sexuelles. Edited by Alain Corbin. Paris 1989: 135-165. [Info] Walkowitz, Judith R. »Jack lo Squartatore e i miti della violenza maschile.« La violenza sessuale nella storia. Edited by Alain Corbin. Rome 1992. [Info] Walkowitz, Judith R. »Jack the Ripper und der Mythos von der männlichen Gewalt.« Die sexuelle Gewalt in der Geschichte. Edited by Alain Corbin. Berlin 1992: 107-135. [Info] Walkowitz, Judith R. City of dreadful delight. Narratives of sexual dangers in late-Victorian London. Chicago 1992. [Info] Walkowitz, Judith R. La ciudad de las pasiones terribles. Narraciones sobre peligro sexual en el Londres victoriano. Valencia 1995. [Info] Wall, Kathleen. The Callisto myth from Ovid to Atwood. Initiation and rape in literature. Kingston 1988. [Info] Wall, Patrick J., et al. Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes: The Catholic Church's 2,000-Year Paper Trial of Sexual Abuse. Los Angeles 2006. [Info] Wallace, Ashley N. Jeopardized Virginity an Analysis of Rape and Spiritual Virginity in Medieval Europe. M.A. Thesis, Florida State University, 2015 [Info] Wallace, Diana. »Illegitimate Histories: Rape and Illegitimacy in the Novels of Catherine Cookson.« Catherine Cookson Country: On the Borders of Legitimacy, Fiction, and History. Edited by Julie A. Taddeo. Farnham 2012: 17-34. [Info] Wallace, Diana. »Illegitimate Histories: Rape and Illegitimacy in the Novels of Catherine Cookson.« Catherine Cookson Country: On the Borders of Legitimacy, Fiction, and History. Edited by Julie A. Taddeo. New York 2016: 17-34. [Info] Wallen, Jeffrey. »Testimony and Taboo: The Perverse Writings of Ka-Tzetnik 135633.« Dapim 28 (2014): 1-16. [Info] Wallen, Jeffrey, et al. »Knowing better. Sex, cultural criticism, and the pedagogical imperative in the 1990s.« Diacritics 29 (1999): 72-91. [Info] Wallen, Kim, et al. »Female sexuality and the myth of male control.« Evolution, gender, and rape. Edited by Cheryl B. Travis. Cambridge 2003: 29-59. [Info] Wallner, Sabine, et al. Aufarbeitung vor Ort: Exemplarische Analyse eines Aufarbeitungsprozesses in einer Kirchengemeinde. Substudie im Rahmen des Forschungsverbundes ForuM. Abschlussbericht. Munich 2024. [Info] Walmsley, Roy, et al. Changes in Rape Offences and Sentencing. London 1989. [Info] Walsh, Brian P. The Rape of Tokyo: Legends of Mass Sexual Violence and Exploitation during the Occupation of Japan. Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, 2016. [Info] Walsh, Brian. »Sexual Violence During the Occupation of Japan.« The Journal of Military History 82 (2018): 1199-1230. [Info] Walsh, David. Distorted ideals in Greek vase-painting. The world of mythological burlesque. 2008. [Info] Walsh, James. »Sexual Morality in Ancient Egyptian Literature.« Vexillum No. 2 (2012): 178-187. [Info] Walsh, Kerryann, et al. »Reports of child sexual abuse of boys and girls: Longitudinal trends over a 20-year period in Victoria, Australia.« Child Abuse & Neglect 66 (2017): 9-22. [Info] Walter, Franz. Die Grünen und die Last des Libertären.« Die Grünen und die Pädosexualität: Eine bundesdeutsche Geschichte. Edited by Franz Walter et al. Göttingen 2015: 252-270. [Info] Walter, Franz, et al., eds. Die Grünen und die Pädosexualität: Eine bundesdeutsche Geschichte. Göttingen 2015. [Info] Walter, Franz. »»In dubio pro libertate«: Sexualstrafrecht im gesellschaftlichen Wandel.« In dubio pro libertate«: Sexualstrafrecht: Eine bundesdeutsche Geschichte. Edited by Franz Walter et al. Göttingen 2015: 108-135. [Info] Walton, Priscilla. »'The Girl Who Pays Our Salaries': Rape and the Bestselling Millennium Trilogy.« Rape in Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy and Beyond: Contemporary Scandinavian and Anglophone Crime Fiction. Edited by Berit Åström et al. Basingstoke 2013: 21-. [Info] Wälty, Tanja, et al. »Der universitäre Umgang mit sexualisierter Diskriminierung und Gewalt: Eine Bestandsaufnahme.« Open Gender Journal 5 (2021). [Info] Wamala, Bakulu-Mpagi. »Inside Obote's Jail: A Personal Account.« Munger Africana Library Notes No. 67 (1982): 16-24. [Info] Wan, Kuiyi. »Riben zhanfu he 'yingji' zai kunming.« Minguo chunqiu No. 4 (1995): 39-40. [Info] Wane Ly, Mariame, et al. »Outlining Trauma and Mental Disorder in Beloved (1987) by Toni Morrison: In the Skirts of Slavery and Feminine Psychoanalysis.« Revue LiLaS 1 (2023): 165-184. [Info] Wang, Hui-ling, et al. 沉默的傷痕 / Silent Scars: 日軍慰安婦歷史影像書 / History of Sexual Slavery by the Japanese Military-A Pictorial Book. Taipei 2005. [Info] Wang, Lin. »Nüxing de yindun yu chongxian: Cong Wo zai Xiacun de shihou dao Xianzai.« Dangdai Wentan No. 1 (2000): 51-53. [Info] Wang, Veronica C. »Rape, madness, and silence. Breakdown and recovery in Maxine Hong Kingston's Woman Warrior.« South Dakota review 28 (1990): 44- . [Info] Wang, W. Michelle. » Fictional Testimonies: Narrative Structures of Resistance in White Chrysanthemum and How We Disappeared.« Reading Violence and Trauma in Asia and the World Edited by Yiru Lim et al. New York 2025: 25-37. [Info] Wang, Weixing, et al. »Yingguo waijiao dang'an zhong youguan qinhua rijun Nanjing datusha shiliao yizu.« Minguo dang'an No. 1 (2002): 34-37. [Info] Wanga, Siyi, et al. »Negotiating difficult (in)tangible heritage: the intricate journey of museum making for the “Dai-ichi Saloon” comfort station in Shanghai.« Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (August 30, 2024). [Info] Wanhalla, Angela. »Interracial Sexual Violence in 1860s New Zealand.« New Zealand Journal of History 45 (2011): 71-84. [Info] Wanner, Gerhard. »Zur Sozialgeschichte von Kindheit, Jugend und Familie im Spiegel der Vorarlberger Presse (1861-1914).« Kindheit, Jugend und Familie in Vorarlberg 1861 bis 1938. By Gerhard Wanner et al. Feldkirch 2012: 9-244. [Info] Wanrooij, Bruno. »La passione svelata. Sessualità, crimine ed educazione in Italia tra '800 e '900.« Sanità, scienza e storia Nos. 1-2 (1988): 393-428. [Info] Warburton, Rachel. »Reading rape in Chaucer. Or are Cecily, Lucretia, and Philomela good women?« Diversifying the discourse. The Florence Howe Award for outstanding feminist scholarship, 1990-2004. Edited by Mihoko Suzuki et al. New York 2006: 270-287. [Info] Ward, Deborah B. "Silently Weeping": A Story of Burn Survival, Rape and Abuse. Victoria 2013. [Info] Ward, Ian. »The prejudices of Mary Hays.« International Journal of Law in Context 5 (2009): 131-146. [Info] Ward, Ian. »Rape and Rape Mythology in the Plays of Sarah Kane.« Comparative Drama. 47 (2013): 225-248. [Info] Ward, Joseph P., ed. Violence, Politics, and Gender in Early Modern England. New York 2008. [Info] Ward, Shelby E. »Violating the State Body: Sexual Violence and Control in the Sri Lankan Civil War as Nation-Builing in the Body Politic.« Interdisciplinary Political Studies 5 (2019): 157-187. [Info] Ward, Thomas J. »The Comfort Women Controversy: Lessons from Taiwan.« Asia-Pacific Journal 16 (2018). [Info] Ward, Tony, et al. »Rape and evolutionary psychology. A critique of Thornhill and Palmer's theory.« Aggression and violent behavior 7 (2002): 145-168. [Info] Wardman, A.E. »Rapes of the Sabines (Ovid, Ars Amatoria 1. 89 ff).« The Classical Quarterly 15 (1965): 101-103. [Info] Wardrop, Alex. »Teaching Rape and Sexual Violence in the Classics Classroom: Reflections and responsibilities.« Bulletin of the Council of University Classics Departments 41 (2012): 15-20. [Info] Wardrop, Emily. All the Women...Were Violated in this Way: Rhetoric, Rape, and Memory in the Dakota War. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Oklahoma, 2015. [Info] Ware, Lowry. »The burning of Jerry. The last slave execution by fire in South Carolina?« South Carolina historical magazine 91 (1990): 100-106. [Info] Warner, William B. »Reading rape. Marxist-feminist figurations of the literal.« Diacritics 13 (1983): 12-32. [Info] Warren, James H. Gender and Sexuality in Colonial Law, India 1830-1862. M.A. Thesis, University of Calgary, 2001. [Info] Warren, Meghan E. Taboo: Martial Rape in Israel and the Occupied Territories. M.A. Thesis, Georgetown University, 2011. [Info] Warren, Meredith J.C. »Rape Jokes, Sexual Violence, and Empire in Revelation and This Is The End.« Journal of Religion & Film 27(1) (2023). [Info] Warren, Wendy A. »"The cause of her grief". The rape of a slave in early New England.« Journal of American history 93 (2007): 1031-1049. [Info] Warrick, Catherine. »The vanishing victim. Criminal law and gender in Jordan.« Law & society review 39 (2005): 315-348. [Info] Wartberg, Lynn C. "They was Things Past the Tellin'": A Reconsideration of Sexuality and Memory in the Ex-Slave Narratives of the Federal Writers' Project. M.A. Thesis, University of New Orleans, 2012. [Info] Washburn, John L., et al. Negotiating the International Criminal Court: New York to Rome, 1994-1998. Leiden 2014. [Info] Washburn, Kevin, et al. »Sex Offender Registration in Indian Country.« Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law (2008): 3-23. [Info] Washington, Harold C. »Violence and the construction of gender in the Hebrew Bible. A new historicist approach.« Biblical interpretation 5 (1997): 324-363. [Info] Washington, Sybil D., et al. The last of the Scottsboro boys. An autobiography. New York 1979. [Info] Wasserman, Saul, et al. »An Overview of the History of Child Sexual Abuse and Sigmund Freud's Contributions.« The Sexual Abuse of Children: Theory and Research. Vol. I. Edited by William O'Donohue et al. Hillsdale 1992: 49-72. [Info] Waszink, Camilla. La protection de la population civile au titre du droit international humanitaire: Tendances et difficultés. Oslo 2012. [Info] Watanabe, Kazuko. »Militarism, colonialism and the trafficking of women. "Comfort women" forced into sexual labor for Japanese soldiers.« Bulletin of concerned Asian scholars 26 (1994): 3-17. [Info] Watanabe, Kazuko. »Trafficking in women's bodies, then and now. The issue of military "comfort women".« Peace & change 20 (1995): 501-514. [Info] Watanabe, Kazuko. »Militarism, colonialism, and the trafficking of women. 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[Info] Watanabe, Mina. »Initiatives by Citizens of a Perpetrator State: Advocating to UN Human Rights Bodies for the Rights of Survivors.« The Transnational Redress Movement for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery. Edited by Pyong G. Min et al. Berlin 2020: 95-114. [Info] Waterfield, Robin. Hidden depths. The story of hypnosis. London 2002. [Info] Waterhouse-Watson, Deb. »Framing the Victim: Sexual Assault and Australian Footballers on Television.« Australian Feminist Studies 27 (2012): 55-70. [Info] Waterhouse-Watson, Deb. Athletes, Sexual Assault, and "Trials by Media": Narrative Immunity. New York 2013. [Info] Waterhouse-Watson, Deb, et al. »Representing rape in Holocaust film: Exhibiting the eroticised body for the camera's gaze.« Aftermath: Gendocide, Memory and History. Edited by Karen Auerbach. Victoria 2015: 169-184. [Info] Waterhouse-Watson, Deb. Football and Sexual Crime, from the Courtroom to the Newsroom: Transforming Narratives. Cham 2019. [Info] Waters, S., et al. »Remembering the Rape of Nanking. A forgotten massacre.« Southern social studies journal 35 (2009): 64-83. [Info] Waters, Sonia E. »Reading Sodom through Sexual Violence Against Women.« Interpretation 71 (2017): 274-283. [Info] Watkins, Patricia D. »Rape, lynching, law and Contending Forces. Pauline Hopkins - Forerunner of critical race theorists.« CLA journal 46 (2003): 521-542. [Info] Watson, Alexander. »"Unheard-of Brutality": Russian Atrocities against Civilians in East Prussia, 1914-1915.« Journal of Modern History 86 (2014): 780-825. [Info] Watson, Katherine D. »Women, violent crime and criminal justice in Georgian Wales.« Continuity and Change 28 (2013): 245-272. [Info] Watson, Martha S. »Mary Church Terrell vs. Thomas Nelson Page. Gender, race, and class in anti-lynching rhetoric.« Rhetoric & public affairs 12 (2009): 65-90. [Info] Watson, R.L. Slave Emancipation and Racial Attitudes in Nineteenth-Century South Africa. Cambridge 2012. [Info] Watson, Robert N., et al. »Wherefore art thou tereu? Juliet and the legacy of rape.« Renaissance quarterly 63 (2005): 127-156. [Info] Watt, Caitlin G. »The speaking wound: Gower's Confessio Amantis and the ethics of listening in the #metoo era.« postmedieval 11 (2020): 272-281. [Info] Watt, Diane. »Gender and sexuality in Confessio Amantis.« A companion to Gower. Edited by Siân Echard. Cambridge 2004: 197-213. [Info] Watt, Peter, et al. Giving Victims a Voice: A joint MPS and NSPCC report into allegations of sexual abuse made against Jimmy Savile under Operation Yewtree. London 2013. [Info] Watts, Charlotte, et al. »Men's and women's experiences of violence and traumatic events in rural Côte d'Ivoire before, during and after a period of armed conflict.« BMJ Open 4 (2014). [Info] Watts, P.R. »The Strange Case of Geoffrey Chaucer and Cecilia Chaumpaigne.« Law Quarterly Review 63 (1947): 491-515. [Info] Wawrzyczek, Irmina. »The women of Accomack versus Henry Smith. 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[Info] Waymack, Anna. »Teaching de raptu meo: Chaucer, Chaumpaigne, and Consent in the Classroom.« Medieval Feminist Forum 53 (2017): 150-175. [Info] Wazlawik, Martin, et al. »Aufarbeitung sexueller Gewalt in Institutionen des Aufwachsens: Herausforderungen erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung und Positionierung. Einführung in den Thementeil.« Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 62 (2016): 619-623. [Info] Weakland, John H. »Chinese Film Images of Invasion and Resistance.« China Quarterly No. 47 (1971): 439-470. [Info] Weatherred, Jane L. »Child Sexual Abuse and the Media: A Literature Review.« Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 24 (2015): 16-34. [Info] Weaver, Gina M. Ideologies of Forgetting: American Erasure of Women's Sexual Trauma in the Vietnam War. Ph.D. Thesis, Rice University, 2006. [Info] Weaver, Gina M. Ideologies of Forgetting: Rape in the Vietnam War. Albany 2010. [Info] Webb, Melanie G. »"On Lucretia who slew herself": Rape and Consolation in Augustine's De ciuitate dei.« Augustinian Studies 44 (2013): 37-58. [Info] Webb, Melanie G. Rape and Its Aftermath in Augustine's City of God. Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton Theological Seminary, 2016. [Info] Webb, Michael D. »'God bless you all - I am innocent'. Sheriff Joseph F. Shipp, Chattanooga, Tennessee, and the lynching of Ed Johnson.« Tennessee historical quarterly 58 (1999): 156-179. [Info] Weber, Donna-Lee. Fair game. Rape and sexual aggression on women in some early eighteenth-century prose fiction. Dissertation, University of Toronto, 1980. [Info] Weber, Jonathan. Angels or monsters? Violent crimes and violent children in Mexico City, 1927-1932. M.A. Thesis, Florida State University, 2006. [Info] Weddle, Stetson M. »Sexual violence in the works of Christoph Geiser.« The image of violence in literature, the media, and society. Edited by Will Wright et al. Pueblo 1995: 464-467. 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